Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Crossing Back

Crossing Back

On the eve of the Pig Pickin', the Mrs. and I decided to do a bit of a photowalk in downtown Mebane. For a little NC town that you've probably never heard of, it is actually quite nice. We ventured to the other side of the tracks (or were we venturing from the other side of the tracks?) and on the way I took this shot.

Thursday, June 18, 2009



Portraits are the type of photography at which I feel most weak. I don't like taking them, and when I do, I am usually not happy with the results. If you look through this blog or my photostream, you'll notice there are more pictures of Lego people than there are of actual people.

Because of this, I need to take more portraits. Also because of this, when I do get one that I think is decent, I'm happy to share. And so I bring you Jason. He is one of the regular cast of characters that I see yearly at my brother's pig pickin'

Monday, June 1, 2009



It has been a while since "the boy" has shown up here, so I figured it was about time. This shot was taken at his sister's U6 soccer game. The nice thing about U6 soccer is that there are plenty of opportunities to photograph other things without much risk of missing anything good on the pitch.