Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fill the World - Redux


I don't usually do this, but this is a reinterpretation of a shot that I originally posted to Flickr over a year ago. I liked the original shot so much that I put as March for my 2009 calendar. Looking at it over the last ten days however, has made we to do it a bit differently. First of the, the chair on the bottom was distracting, so I cropped it out. Second, I fixed the sky so it was not so blown out. And finally and most drastically, I flipped the picture around so that the painter would be working from left to right. Somehow that just seemed better to me.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Turtlely Sweet


A long, long time ago when Shelley and I were dating, we spent a very pleasant afternoon canoeing around some lake in Chapel Hill, NC. In and around the lake, we saw many, many turtles. Since we were all romantic and schmoopey and stuff, turtles sort of became our thing. Shorty thereafter, I had to go to France for work, so of course when I saw these pewter turtles for sale, I had to buy them for soon to be fiance.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Here's Lookin' at Me


Guest artist today - my five year old daughter. The shot this with available light using a 90mm macro lens in Aperture Priority mode.