Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 125 - Heat Wave - 15 Apr 2011

Heat Wave

Still working on that thing where I am trying to take more portraits. When my friend came by and was sitting on my porch, drinking my beer, and chatting with my wife while I was trying to work, I thought it would be a good chance.

If you know this person, I hope you think this picture did a good job in summing her up. She is a happy, social person who enjoys good friends and good beer and will wear a sweater when it is 80 degrees out.

Make your own jokes about the name of the beer.

Day 124 - Who's The Bloom King? 14 Apr 2011

Who's The Bloom King?

This flower grows on the side of the house I usually don't go to unless I am mowing the lawn (and no, wise-guys, I don't mean the outside).

I know you are thinking, "But, Andy, then why did you plant it there?"

Hey Nosey-Nosington, why don't you mind your own business!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 123 - Cruppet - 13 April 2011


Of all the things I made in fifth grade, very few survive to this day. Sure, most of what I made in fifth grade was witty repartee and sarcastic asides, and those only live on in memory and legend.

This, however, is something tangible that I created in my make-a-puppet-of-myself-holding-a-smaller-puppet-of-myself phase.

This Cruppet, as it was called, was part of an ensemble that included Cruppets of other fifth graders and one of Ben Franklin. Do they also survive? Curious minds would like to know.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 122 - The Other Way of Stopping 12 Apr 2011

The Other Way of Stopping

You can look into this picture for some deeper meaning if you'd like. Please me know if you find some.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 121 - Hippofrogomous - 11 Apr 2011


Now we have frogs living in our heron feeder. There are at least three of them, at least two of which can sing very loudly when I have my window open at night. Usually when I approach any of them, the vanish more quickly then my resolution to give up ice cream. This guy however is not shy, and was glad to pose for Roth365.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 120 - Aqueduct 2011 - 10 Apr 2011

Aqueduct 2011

Every year for three years I would take a picture of the kids from this same spot. In 2006, 2007, and 2008 we were very good about making the trip and taking the shot.

2009 got away from us, as years sometimes do.

Once we were off the wagon, missing again in 2010 was even easier.

2011 was going to be different. Not only because of this photo-a-day odyssey, but because now the kids can ride their bikes to this location. You can't see it, but they both have nice mud stipes on their backs to prove it.

Here are the shots of the other years for comparison:




Day 119 - Alley of Brew - 9 Apr 2011

Alley of Brew

In the nearby town that I call Fred City there sits a wonderful old building that makes some tasty brick oven pizza - the best pizza in town, and brews some brilliant brews.

On this fine day, while running errands that included eating the second best pizza in town, we walked past Brewer's Alley. I did not want it to be jealous that I was cheating on it with another pizza place, so I stopped to say hello and take a picture.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 118 - Hold Back the Light - 8 Apr 2011

Hold Back the Light

Not quite part of the Stuff-On-My-Desk series, but it is the same idea because I was sitting at my desk looking for something to photograph when I spied this.

Of all the blue stained glass things in my office, this is definitely in the top two.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 117 - Music Night in America - 7 Apr

Music Night in America

Colin Hay was playing a show at a (relatively) nearby venue called the Birchmere. The kids know and enjoy a couple of his songs, so we decided to make it a family night out. I'm not sure if this makes us cool parents or stupid ones.

We've taken them to a few other concerts in the last few years as well. In fact, they both think they've seen the Beatles in concert. (It was actually a Beatles tribute band, but they don't know that. Please don't tell them. I'm hoping it will be at least a decade before they realize, and then boy won't they appreciate what a great joke we played on them!)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 116 - A Very Special Blossom - 6 Apr 2011

A Very Special Blossom

This is a plum tree that does not make plums. Guess that makes it just a tree. What it does make, however, are blossoms. This is one of them. There are many others, but you'll have to make my word for that.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 115 - Waiting Alone - 5 Apr 2011

Waiting Alone

Not trying to bring people down, and soon enough I'll be back to stupid pictures of Lego guys. But, when I saw her waiting for the kids alone, it reminded me too much of Day 88.

Every Time You Go Away

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 114 - Goodbye, Charlie - 4 Apr 2011

Goodbye, Charlie

I did not want to take a picture of her on what I was pretty sure was going to be her last day. I did not want to remember the end. But when she went outside in the early afternoon, that old spark returned to her eyes just for a few moments. I grabbed my camera and she smiled for me.

A few hours later she was gone, and now I am glad I have this picture to remind that through it all she was a great dog.

More about this, along with many more pictures can be seen here.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 113 - Over the Water - 3 Apr 2011

Over the Water

In our backyard we have a small heron feeder that just this year has attracted one of these crazy long legged bird like creatures. This may be that heron, but this is not our backyard (unfortunately). This a few miles away at a place with the on-the-nose name of LilyPons. We were there to buy some supplies for our heron feeder. They also sell heron food, but we still have 10 left so did not get any on this trip.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 112 - Turtle Time - 2 Apr 2011

Turtle Time

Perhaps you've been at a party and and seen a ruggedly handsome man holding his phone inside a terrarium, and wondered "How can I meet that guy?"

Well, let me tell you. It is possible he is on a photo-a-day journey, and if so, offer him a beer, because photography is thirsty work.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 111 - No Place I'm Going To - 1 Apr 2011

No Place I'm Going To

I wanted to do a picture that had something to with April Fool's Day. Some thoughts:

- Salt spilled out of shaker with the cap loosened
- The cellophane on the toilet seat trick
- Shaving cream on hand of a sleeping person

The problem with all these is that I would have to then do the cleanup, and that is not right for my idiom. So instead you get a tambourine shot.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 110 - Apple Meh - 31 Mar 2011

Apple Meh

Keeping the doctor is away is certainly a good thing, and it's not that they are not tasty, but lets face it - apples are not all that exciting. Even when they seem to have a face they wear an indifferent expression.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 109 - O' Dem Golden Somethins - 30 Mar 2011

O' Dem Golden Somethins

If there such a thing as a tea snob, I think I am fast becoming one. I'm at the point now where I almost exclusively drink loose leaf tea. That means I needed to find something else to do with this teabag stainer.

I don't know how many holes there are, but certainly not enough to fill the Albert Hall.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 107 - Goatman Returns - 28 Mar 2011

Goatman Returns

Whenever I am out and about, people are always like "Hey Andy, when are we going to see some more Lego minifigs on Roth365?" OK, maybe they are not saying that with words, but I know they are thinking it. I can see it in their eyes. Or, I mean I think I could see it in their eyes if I actually went out and about and ran into people.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 106 - Purple Petal Power - 27 Mar2011

Purple Petal Power

I told you before that once Spring arrived you would start seeing more than a few shots of flowers. Well, here we go. I would tell you what kind of flower this is but:
a) I don't know
b) If you care what kind of flower this is, chances are you already know.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 105 - Good Bucket to Kick -26 Mar 2011

Good Bucket to Kick

Real Marylanders eat crabs all the time, not unlike the way real Pennsylvanians constantly eat hoagies and soft pretzels. Though I have only lived here for some number of years, it is easy to see why.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 104 - Spring Again - 25 Mar 2011

Spring Again

"Get a grip!" I tell myself whenever I think I need to have a stronger grip. It is not because I want to excel at the hearty handshake and fine how-do-you? that is the telltale greeting of the handsome man (I already do).

No, it is because strong fingers lead to mad guitar skillz, and if I am ever to become the next [insert name of your favorite guitar player] this Grip Master device will help.

Day 103 - Days End Kazooed - 24 Mar 2011

Days End Kazooed

I once had a dream of putting together the finest kazoo band that Adamstown, MD had ever seen. We would proudly march in all the Adamstown parades, powerfully playing all the kazoo band hits of yesterday and today. We would also wear silly hats.

So far this dream has yet to come to fruition.

Friday, April 1, 2011