I've always had a desire to take a good shot of a New Orleans street car. While we were waiting for #933 to take us from where we were to where we were going, I got my chance. Like many things in the South, these old beauties move so slowly that it wasn't even especially foolish of me to stand on the track to take the picture as the car approached. And even if I cut it too close I expect someone would have pushed me out of the way - I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.
Cool picture!
Thanks! I actually got this one printed and framed and it now hangs in my house. :-)
That is a fantastic picture :)
Surf on over to www.hybridhondas.com and click on some information links.
wow, beautiful picture. :)
do you took that?
I love this picture, especially because of all the vertical and horizontal lines. I also think it's all the more dramatic for being in black and white.
I love the whole concept of a pic-a-day (as I do a few things in that line myself just for the fun of it). It's great to try to capture as many little moments as possible to add them all together!
Andy your photos are very good and the openning to the stories are will written. Good work!
i must say
Great shot!
Nice picture
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